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The Dark Road..

Once upon a time, two strangers met in the dark,

Touched by pain, they loved with all their might.

But as fate dictates, they must part ways, 

he was my stranger and you were my agony.


In the depths of secrecy, I reveal my truth,

I purchased your book and devoured it, uncouth.

Stubbornness held my walls, a fortress to confide,

Since our first encounter, my heart could not hide.


Naïve and inexperienced, a child, I confess,

Unaware of how to navigate this emotional mess.

With every sighting, my cheeks would flush with heat,

Seven long years it took for my words to meet.


Through the crumbling years, I unraveled the cause,

Your influence, mistakes, and my hidden scars.

I seek to erase the memory of the girl enthralled,

Bound by innocence and self-imposed walls.


To forget the ease with which you let me depart,

Underestimating me, breaking my fragile heart.

Betrayal consumed me, balming myself for years,

Unjustly crediting you, my tormentor with tears.


I traversed dark roads, embracing bitterness and strife,

Determined to shield myself from love's piercing knife.

Unacknowledging my worth, you Manipulating gently, abandoning without regret.


For countless years, self-hatred consumed my soul,

Blaming others while absolving you of control.

Lost, until I found solace in an unexpected place,


Two strangers united, fighting the unknown's embrace.

Unforeseen, my heart surrendered, falling again,

He, too, captured my affections, a new love to gain.

He saw my hidden depths, embracing my wild turns,

Revelling in my madness, my love, as it burns.


A savior he became, transporting me to realms anew,

Love's dimension, uncharted, where our passions grew.

Perhaps he's my soulmate, a prince, or a nobody,

A love that transcends all, elusive yet everybody.


Yet the road proved arduous, strewn with inner strife,

His chaos intertwined with the mess of my life.

He, my stranger, witnessed my naked insecurities,

Loving me in my pain, unraveling my uncertainties.


He changed me, a catalyst for growth and rebirth,

A pillar of goodness and kindness, my earth.

he yearned for a miracle to keep me stay


In his arms, I found solace, a clandestine retreat,

He brought happiness and joy, made my world complete.

Amidst chaos and uncertainty, he shone like a guiding light,

My spark in the darkness, my guardian through the night.


With him, I discovered fragments of my former self,

A love mysterious, defying logic, yet embracing itself.

Though he hurt me deeply, but the battles and kisses ensued,

We prayed for one another, love's resilience pursued.


I loved his flaws, his sins, forgiveness bestowed,

Seeing the goodness within, his true essence I've known.

They say, "Hold onto those who bring out your best."

But sometimes, letting go is the ultimate test.


Accepting the reality, he was never truly mine,

Through pain and growth, maturity we'll define.

Letting him go, I pray he finds joy and peace,

A love-hate dichotomy, emotions that never cease.


I yearned to follow his counsel, find another to adore,

Yet my soul recoils, refusing to embrace another's core.

In the realm of crazy thoughts and fights unresolved,

Love's path remains unpaved, our journey unsolved.


Once upon a time, two strangers met in the night,

Touched by pain, they loved with all their might.

But as fate dictates, they must part ways,

 He was my stranger and you were my agony.

He found peace within me, my shelter, my solace.

He felt secure, embraced like a familiar home,

A bond of souls,


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