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To My Stranger..!

You came up into my life out of the blue,
The dark was there and my heart too..
you saw me when I was invisible, when I was trying to turn my head on the floor.. 
I meet you at the dark road.. 
you took me to places I loved.. 
you took my breath away at the moments when I was yours.. 
I wanna back to normal again 
I wanna back to you.. 
Maybe I’m falling for you.. Maybe you too!
Maybe I’m just a fool.. maybe I’m being cruel,  
I felt secure around you.. I felt like home 
your teste was so good and your arms was my sweet home.. 
your kiss was like heaven and something more..
you are my crazy stranger and I’m your fool !
I wished you to stay longer, to have more memories and then send you our pictures and maybe song or two..
I miss you stranger, I wish I cloud see you soon.


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